With the increasing demand for web hosting, most of the people are moving forward to have their own web hosting company. For them, reseller hosting is the best choice as they don’t have to do much investment in starting their business. Though it is been mostly used by the rising entrepreneurs it doesn’t mean that the reseller hosting is made for them only.
Any hosting user can go for this option when they are in need of a large amount of hosting resources. With this, you can utilize all the resources for your work and if feel that you can manage to provide some of the resources to other users then only lend them the part of it.
Even if you don’t have a large customer base, you can offer the hosting to just 2 to 3 users, so that, it wouldn’t limit your resource usage and also, will allow you to offer part of it to your customers. That means Linux reseller hosting is a very flexible option that allows you to handle small to large customer base without any issues.
Been in the hosting industry for a long time, I have learned that choosing the hosting provider is as important as running your business because service to your customers depends on your hosting merchant.
Thus, to make your job easy, today I am going to reveal the best reseller web hosting provider in India. I have used around 4 companies hosting including both big brands and local ones. But what made me stick to the one hosting is MilesWeb and that’s why I thought to share MilesWeb review with you all.
They provide the best of hosting features at a very affordable cost. In the beginning, I bought a shared hosting plan from them, and steadily my trust to them has grown. After completing 1 year with them I thought of starting my web hosting business, as many of my clients were asking me to provide them with the hosting features.
So, now along with web developing, I also manage the web hosting for my customers, and MilesWeb stands with me in all walks of hosting journey. So, for those who don’t know about the company, here’s some glimpse about it.
MilesWeb Hosting Review
The company was started in the year 2012 with the aim to provide the best of the hosting features. Within this small duration, they have already hosted 1 million websites and have 10,000 plus happy customers. The founders and employees are well experienced and so, none of the queries remains unsolved from them.
MilesWeb has various services under its web hosting business umbrella such as :
- Unlimited Web Hosting
- Cloud Business Hosting
- Windows Hosting
- WHMCS Reseller Hosting
- Windows Reseller Hosting
- WordPress Hosting
- Linux VPS Hosting
- Windows VPS Hosting
- Managed DigitalOcean
- Managed Amazing Cloud
Under all these hosting services, there are different plans available that suit best to your business requirements.
They have the best of reseller hosting plans :
1) Unlimited Reseller Hosting Plans:
2) Reseller Hosting with Free WHMCS:
Best of the reseller hosting features provided by MilesWeb are :
1) WHMCS License
All the reseller hosting plans include WHMCS for free. WHMCS is the best web hosting billing software that makes your work easy.
2) 100% White Label
This is the most important feature when you buy the reseller hosting plan for starting your own business. The plans that are 100% White labeled allow you to provide the hosting services to your clients under your own brand name. There won’t be any interference of your merchant company while you deal with your clients.
3) Free Domain Reseller
Don’t just be a hosting reseller, as MilesWeb allows you to broaden your horizon so that you can resell domain also. They allow you to sell over 400 extensions and TLDs so that you can grow your business from all hosting perspective. This is completely open and free to everyone.
4) Free SSL Certificate
In order to ensure that your website is virus free, all the hosting plans come with free SSL certificate within your Linux reseller hosting service.
This also helps in your SEO results, to prove the authenticity of your website.
5) Web Host Manager (WHM)
Web host manager provides you the complete control in order to manage all your client accounts, unlimited websites, emails and much more.
6) cPanel Control Panel
Being a reseller is no more troublesome work. You can give cPanel access to your clients so that, they can manage their emails, domains, and websites independently from their web-based interface.
7) One-Click Installer
Softaculous one-click installer allows you to install all your favourite applications in one click. Their apps include WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB, Oxwall, etc.
8) Free Website Migration
Switching to MilesWeb is very easy. Just reach out to them and they will be happy to migrate your data from the current provider to their server at free of cost.
9) Free Website Builder
Now, you don’t have to be skilled in coding to develop your website. A simple drag and drop tool that comes with all reseller hosting plans from MilesWeb allow you to just drag the content and drop it in your selected theme. You get themes that suit your business as well as the personal website.
10) Global Data Center
We understand the importance of having a datacenter near to your local business. That is the reason we provide you the data center location choice during the sign-up process.
11) Malware Scan and Removal
Our experts defend your website from the viruses. All the websites are scanned on a daily basis and if any threat is found, the team fixes it for you.
So, from all the above points you might have understood that starting your web hosting business is very easy with MilesWeb, no matter the size of your business one can achieve the success in it by having MilesWeb experts by your side. I would like to mention the important point that MilesWeb also takes ownership to handle your customer issues on your behalf. While handling your customers, they do not reveal their name anywhere. Their integrity has really helped me to grow my customer base.
Conclusion –
Looking at all the aspects of reseller hosting, I find MilesWeb the best solution. Additionally, they provide you with the 24/7/365 days support, 30 days money back guarantee and 99.95% of uptime.
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