Videos are a primary form of online marketing, and when done well, can help you boost your brand awareness and increase engagement. The problem is doing it well! There are some tricks to getting it right that are quite simple to follow, so here’s some of the best tips we have found that should help make sure your video is the one that grabs the attention.
Grab The Attention – Straight Away!
Here’s a fact: most viewers will watch the first 10 seconds of a marketing video then switch off. So, the trick here is to give them something in that first few seconds – something that hooks them – that makes them want to watch further.
It could be a teaser – drop a hint of more to come – or something that is fresh, original and that makes the viewer wonder what else is there. Whatever you do, make sure that 10 seconds is the best you can do.
Be Fun, But Don’t Forget the Point
The majority of marketing videos that get shared around – including those that go viral – features something amazing, revelatory or funny.
You should not be afraid of involving humour in a corporate marketing film; people like to laugh and smile, and a good feeling associated with the product or service being offered is positive. Just be careful not to let the humour overtake the point.
Professional Advice
There are people out there who will give you advice if you ask, and even film making companies that can help you write and produce a video that will be far beyond a DIY effort.
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t engage the services of people with experience, and you may be surprised how it can fit in your budget.
If this approach interests you, for more information visit who are leaders in corporate marketing videos and will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Remember – SEO Your Video Too!
You want people to find your video when searching for it, just as you do your content. But, the video is a video! The trick lies in the descriptions you attach to it.
Make sure they give Google a firm idea of what the content is about; ensure you host your video on your own domain in the first instance, too.
Allow embedding so you can encourage inbound links. All of this is stuff you can learn more about from the resource we’ve given you, and it will help.
Must Read: Top SEO Secrets by Digital Agencies
Make Sure You Tell a Story
A marketing video is not necessarily a sales pitch, you’re not trying to get people to call in and buy your product as on those TV shopping channels. Tell the story of the product, give it a life, make it real. That way people get some level of emotional involvement from the video and are more inclined to engage further.
The above tips are just a few and they may inspire you to think of more, so start now and see how you can make a marketing video that works.
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