Exit intent popup trend has been proven fruitful for many websites lately. Exit intent technology is what helps a site detect when a person is about to hover the mouse to the ‘close’ button on the tab so that a popup can quickly appear as if to say “Hey wait! There’s something more you might want to check out”.
You might be following many SEO techniques to lower down bounce rate but implementing exit intent popup on the landing page will bring a great change as well. Even acquiring SEO services from any reputed company will help in increasing website’s ranking by lowering bounce rate.
# Effectiveness of exit intent popup
For many, the exit intent pop up can be annoying. It could feel like someone calling your name when you’re in a hurry, only to say something you’re not interested in. But for many others, the exit intent popup is welcome. Hence, sometimes exit intent technology helps you prevent bounces.
In general, a whopping 98 percent of people visit a website and just leave, either adding to the bounce rate or just browsing through a few pages without having their interest piqued. 75 percent of these people don’t even go back to the site again. What we can do to ensure that people spend some more time on the website, and remember about it, is give them a reason to stay. And this is what the exit intent popup plugin and exit intent popup tool are there for.
20 ways you can ensure good use of the exit intent popup technology
A good example for exit intent pop up would be the WordPress exit intent pop-up. Anybody can add the plugin and use it. Now, what is important is, to make sure that one draws attention with the exit intent technology, instead of annoying people and repelling them further away which will repel website’s traffic. Here are 20 effective ways to ensure you are using exit intent popup to your advantage:
1) Discount coupons
What works better than “Hey you’re leaving? Check out this new info”?
Answer: “Hey you’re leaving? Here, have a little treat. Thanks for visiting.”
Few people decline a discount or a coupon or anything free. Bribe them into staying. Target first time visitors so you can become popular with them from the very beginning. Place the exit intent popup on every landing page to avoid bounces.
Do not forget your loyal clients. Do not take them for granted. Target them too and give them some discounts through your exit intent plugin, as a gesture of gratitude.
2) Play hard to get
As long as you are a welcoming host at most times, it does not hurt to let people know your value sometimes. Occasionally put a limiting factor on your exit intent technology. For example, “Valentine’s Day offer only.” “For first-time visitors only.” Things like these will make the visitor think twice before ignoring because once this offer is gone, it is not going to come back.
3) Make things special
It won’t work if you play hard to get when your offer is not attractive enough. Use tactics like “Special offer” or “Never done before” to make people want to accept your invitation of staying a bit longer.
4) Prevent cart abandonment
The most demotivating thing is when you can see traffic come in, stay, order, and leave just short of letting an actual conversion happen. Exit intent technology steps into the rescue. With exit popup tools you can make sure that people don’t abandon their cart. More than 67 percent people abandon their carts. Place exit intent pop up like “Your <product name> is waiting” or “Hurry, stocks limited” on the checkout page. Once again, you establish the value of your products as well.
5) Cart notification
Once again, for the same purpose, that is to avoid the infamous cart abandonment, you can use exit intent technology to your advantage. Use an exit intent popup to remind your visitor about the products in their cart even if they only came to visit the site just another time. Sometimes, people genuinely just forget that they had put something in the cart to buy later, or they just casually leave it there, and they can easily be made to change their mind and purchase it right away. These exit intent pop up can be placed even on the landing page, and on the cart page.
6) Help desk
Sometimes new visitors cannot navigate their way through the site quite well. After some trying, they quit. That’s when you should step in with your exit popup tool and offer customer support. Say an exit intent popup like “Click here to order” can work wonders with new visitors. Not only have you managed to convert the traffic this way, but also, now you have established an impression of being helpful and organized.
7) Generate leads
Do not limit yourself to selling products to visitors. With the correct application of your exit popup tool, you can open yet another window for lead generation. Go for a “Share” or “Come back for <whatever bait>” tactic. The above graphic is an example of the landing page.
8) Expand network
Use the same lead generation tactic to get a visitor to give you an email ID in return for some good deal. So, with a freebie or coupon, you now have a permanent mode of transaction established with your visitor.
9) Get subscriptions
This is by far the commonest application of exit intent popup from what we can all observe. Do you even get to visit a website that does not ask you to “Subscribe” to their newsletter or email when you leave? Well, you can use it too and establish a lasting connection with the visitor.
10) Mind games
People are known to behave in certain ways so you could use psychology to your advantage to trigger a positive response with exit intent plugin. For example, put out something like “Your friends liked this product” or “ get your coupon” on your WordPress exit intent popup and let the herd mentality work its wonder. Creating a sense of urgency works too. It makes people feel sure they want what could be unavailable soon. WordPress provides you with any required plugin and even with an e-commerce store.
11) Trigger generosity
Use the exit popup tool to make requests like “Please don’t go.” If targeted to repeat visitors on product pages, this could earn you new visitors.
12) Ask for feedback
Use exit intent plugin on the Homepage and product page, as well as on the checkout page to ask for feedback. This makes the visitor stay longer and think about the site and products longer. Also, with this exit intent popup, you are letting your visitors know you care what they think and are willing to make accommodations according to their opinion.
13) Ask for specific negative feedback
Put exit intent pop up messages like “Let us know what went wrong” or “What did you not like” targeting first-time visitors. Put these exit intent popup on landing pages to keep even uninterested people on your site for some more time than they intended. This again helps you convey to the visitor that you care. Also, with such exit intent technology, you can easily get a record of things you need to work on.
14) Facilitate promotions
Use exit intent popup on any page targeting repeat visitors to promote a product they purchased or kept in their cart. If they liked the product, they would share it. This will get new visitors who are interested in not just that product but will take a look at the other things too.
15) Promote mobile apps
Use your exit popup tool to suggest downloading the mobile app for your site. Offer additional discounts and special products for app users. People tend to visit more when they have an app than when they visit from a browser. And more visits increase the chances of conversion.
16) Encourage queries
FAQs often fail to cover what people want to know. Instead of having them leave because things aren’t clear, use your exit intent technology to offer them help. Ask them for queries. Personalize the bond. Leave these exit intent popup messages on landing pages, Homepage, and product pages too.
17) Use vouchers to lure people into signing up
Offer coupons to repeat visitors as well as first-time visitors for signing up to newsletters or emails. This way, you can stay in touch and offer them good deals on relevant products, increasing conversion rates.
18) Offer free trials
People often don’t purchase products and services because they don’t want to risk an investment. If you offer a free trial when they are leaving due to doubts, it is likely they will take it. This way, you can establish trust via the exit popup tool.
19) Give related suggestions
When you see a person interested in a particular post, use the exit intent pop up to show them similar posts when they are about to leave. People spend hours on the internet just because some sites know how to keep them hooked. Be one of them.
20) Offer price comparisons
Sometimes people leave a site to check out the price for the chosen product on competitor sites. Use the exit intent plugin to offer a price comparison with top competitor sites on your site itself so that people don’t even have to leave before making the purchase. Put this kind of exit intent popup on product pages, cart pages, and checkout pages.
Final Words on Exit Intent Popup
The ways mentioned above are the commonest applications of the exit intent popup tools. Exit intent technology has been growing as it helps increase conversion. Fetch the necessary exit intent plugin and exit popup tool to make full use of this technology.
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