As more Indians join the entrepreneurship bandwagon, the area of web hosting in India is seeing a quick development. Website developers are growing more aware of the dos and don’ts of the internet world. Sometimes it is not just important to hire the perfect website developers but also to make sure you have the best web hosting service in India.
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You must research a lot before making any important decision and choose an appropriate web hosting service in India for your organization. Also, you must already know that cost is not the only factor you want to check off the list. You could use some help here. What is the checklist supposed to have?
The checklist for buying web hosting service in India
If you can check off all the items on this list while looking for the perfect service, you are ready to start off your website with a bang. So, here we go.
1] Choosing the OS
It goes without saying that you will go for Windows if your website is in ASP.NET. You will have a tough time finding a web hosting service if you are a Microsoft developer. You can’t win them all. But whatever the cost, make sure it’s worth it. Don’t compromise. Let the web hosts know the choice of OS for your website.
2] Uptime
Uptime is very important. Read the fine print very carefully when you are buying a cheap web hosting in India so that they are not playing the dirty old tricks of promising 99% uptime, a promise they won’t deliver on. Read up reviews to make sure the web hosting service you are looking at will give excellent uptime. It is the most important factor to ensure traffic does not bounce.
3] Available storage
One thing you cannot compromise on while choosing a cheap web hosting is the amount of storage the web hosting service offers your website. If you are planning to go big you must give more importance to this item on the list. However, what is more important is to carefully read the fine print to ensure you’re not being misguided. If the web hosting service is talking “unlimited storage” go through the Terms and Services portion of verify if it is actually unlimited or only unlimited as long as you stay within what is called “normal site usage”. In case this clause is there, you must make sure you know what “normal usage” is and what it’ll do for you.
4] Mobile app and web support
This could look like a fancy add-on but it is important to have access to your site no matter where you are. A good web hosting service in India will not shy away from offering you that in the future. So keep looking for a web host that is planning on starting this if it doesn’t already offer mobile app access.
5] Bandwidth availability
Another thing that is as important as storage is the cumulative data your site can have uploaded and downloaded every month. Once again, carefully read the fine print to make sure you are not falling for the “unlimited bandwidth” trap without knowing the terms and conditions. This item on the checklist is so important that it can make or break your website. Go for that web hosting service that will offer the maximum bandwidth at the cheapest rate. If you want to go big, this is the most important point.
6] Tech support
A good yet cheap web hosting in India will always offer 24*7 tech support and be responsive via phone, email, or whatever media. Look for client recommendations and reviews to ensure the web host you choose offers good tech support.
7] Overall scalability
Apart from the storage and bandwidth, VPS, Server solutions, upgrade and transfer game, domain and sub-domain options, all these are very important to make sure there is scalability or room for growth for your website when it starts seeing success. You will need a web host that gives you room for multiple domains within one hosting service for future growth and branching out. In looking for a cheap web hosting do not make the mistake of not considering scalability.
8] Email features and accounts
Not every host provider offers email accounts for a domain. You deserve a web host that does offer email accounts setup and choice for webmail interface. Integration with Google App is also important.
9] Database support
Every website will have a backend database now and so should you. A good and affordable web hosting service will not only range of database options to choose from.
10] Cost
Though you are looking for a cheap web hosting services in India, you must not compromise on the price for a consistent hosting service. You should look for competitive rates on offer only after you’ve narrowed down on web hosts that fulfill all the above criteria.
Apart from the checklist, you should also pay attention to the framework and language support, cron jobs, shell access, .htaccess, site backup options, free AdWords, and some extra features like bulletin boards, forums, and mail lists. Get a cheap web hosting in India that offers most of these features and checks off the entire list above, and you are good to go.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I would now try to be wise in buying web hosting spaces as I don’t want to affect my websites. Thank you once again.
And yea, its obvious to check sure. If you don’t mind, do you know any recommended web hosting with Indian server and in cheap price? I’ve got a good list but they’re all limited to CPU useage and my website does use alot of CPU. Your suggestion would be appreciated much.