There are many theories defined to get success in network marketing by so many people out there. And the funny thing is you don’t know whether people who are trying to teach you are actually doing network marketing business themselves or not & if yes are they themselves successful.
Today I will share a simple 3 steps formula for you to get success in network marketing business. Before sharing it let me be very clear.
MUST READ: Success Mantra to get Success in Network Marketing Business!
Only knowledge cannot help you, you need to take ACTION to Succeed
Network Marketing Business Success Formula # 1 – LEARN
If you are not open & willing to learn the principals of network marketing business the game is already over for you.
Irrespective of whatever qualification & achievement you possess earlier you cannot be successful in network marketing industry unless you learn how to do business in network marketing industry. If you are dam serious about your success in network marketing industry learn & follow a successful person in the business. Learning in network marketing business is not 1 day, 1 week or 1 month training activity. It’s a PROCESS, you will learn every day. There is too much to learn in network marketing industry.
To start with couple of hours training is sufficient, rest you will learn as a process. But make sure not to miss any training programs, ask for training audios & videos from your seniors.
You don’t know, what you don’t know!
I Strongly Recommend following Books You Must Read for Success in Network Marketing Business
Network Marketing Business Success Formula # 2 – EARN
The good feature about network marketing business is that you can start earning while you learn the business. At initial stage even if you know hardly anything about the business your earning can start because your seniors are always there to help & support you. In network marketing industry your seniors are always willing to help you because their success in network marketing will depend on the success of their team.
By the way as we are talking about earning in this industry, here’s the list of 100 MLM Top Earner
Network Marketing Business Success Formula # 3 – TEACH
Once you had started earning in the network marketing business it’s important for you to take the control in your hand & teach the same whatever you have learnt to your team. It’s all about Duplication in network marketing industry.
Don’t try to teach each & everything to your team at one go. They will not be able to grasp too much information in short time, they will vomit, means information will overflow. Design a proper training module. Remember Teaching is a skill & it must be mastered properly so that you can train your team properly.
To Conclude
Success in Network Marketing Business is simple, don’t make it complex. First learn what you don’t know, by learning & support of your seniors, your earning will start in network marketing industry & soon after you can start teaching same to your team for your & your teams success in network marketing.
Hi vineet ,
Thanks for sharing this article. I agree on all the three points you have mentioned here and i do follow these things in my online business. These three things are not only part of Any network marketing business but can be applied to any online business.
Learning can never be stoped and if someone say i know everything and dont want to learn any more then he/she is loosing way to success. Learning and teaching is my main goal in my online business. Earning comes by default.
You rightly put it all Shorya!
Irrespective of any profession you need to learn & grow everyday 🙂
Thank you so much..!!
Ya This 3 points is must imp..
Awesome article for getting Success in Network Marketing Business . Thanks for sharing
I am glad Sasikumar you liked it. Thanks 🙂
Network marketing is a relationship business, not just
a sales business or just a numbers business. You may find that this is where most will come up empty, mainly because their system
doesn’t work at all. The co-founders of Amway are credited with starting multilevel marketing.
I think everyone can not perform this task. this is very difficult for me…….
Yousuf, I can probably understand why you made such comment, but what I feel is its all about your GOALS!
If you Reason to do the business, the above things are pretty straight & simple 🙂
3 Step eh… okay… can´t wait to implement and see their effect.
Thank you so much Vineet… I will let you know about results.
I would love to hear from you Luis!
Hi Vineet,
Thank you for this simple but true explanation. Learn – Earn – Teach is the key to having a solid network marketing foundation.
Step No. 1 is so important! Many people believe that they are already successful in other areas and fall into the trap of not knowing what they don’t know! Some may not be humble enough to admit that there are specific skills that needed to be mastered. Even worse, some allow their perceived difficulties to stop them from evening starting!
Awesome sharing, Vineet!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum (Sydney)
Hi Viola, Thanks for stopping by & leaving you valuable comments 🙂
You quoted it ban on, people may have any sort of experience but when they first come into network marketing, they have to learn in order to succeed.
And many times people are not willing to learn, I feel its kind of waste for them to get in the business & even waste of your time as well.
Thanks a lot for your priceless points. I am going to apply them.
Great to know you liked it 🙂
You are Welcome!
currently i had join amway business but the problem is how i invite them with phone i am having around 5000 contacts number but how to invite them whether i would invite them with my team although i don’t know any memeber pesonally in the given contacts number
Hi Mohit,
Kindly read this Article on How $to Invite prospects in Network Marketing –
What you mean by – “whether i would invite them with my team although i don’t know any memeber pesonally in the given contacts number” ??
Networking is very simple all people’s
If you want to networking so much very highly peoples do not success this market
If you want to success this market five tipes of success is market
1 . I am the west
2 . I can do it
3 . God always with me
4 . I am the winner
5 . Today is my day
Then fallow of 5 tipes to sucsess of network markets
Best luck Raj 🙂
What r the books to refer for network marketing business in first 6 to 10 months period
This was amazing and this is what my seniors said to me in network marketing this surely was helpful.
I would prefer to take this advice to anyone who is into network marketing
Ty vineet gupta
If a company is banned by country government, is it good to join MLM? If it is good, how to do prospect? If i ask my upline, they are saying do not inform company name, u just focus only on joining people. Even they do not bother about products. If a product cost is double than the other company price, how to do prospect?
Can you give me some suggestion?
I workk in network marketing company 40 presentations ,I already show the people’s,uplines are best of mine ,gives me full support,n m kind of girl who always ready to learn
….Focussing on learning ..Not to earning…But can’t see results of my hardwork ….Hlp me vineet ….What can I do?
please what if u are learning the process and applying it, still over a year u did not earn, what are u supposed to do.