Did you ever got an opportunity to learn from the real life experience of top mlm income earners? Today is the day for you, to learn from the Best in the Business!
I am feeling honoured Interviewing 1 of my Role Model and 1 of the top mlm income earners in Network Marketing industry – Mr. Ashwin Chugh 🙂
Previously I was with the same network marketing company where Ashwin is currently working. He is living in Dubai, and doing the business worldwide. I first met him during a Global MLM Summit in Bangalore in 2011. Since then, I became his fan & started following him on Facebook.
Till date I see him actively engaged in business. And I believe that’s what separate these top mlm income earners from rest of the crowd – their dedication, commitment, persistency & consistency toward the business. Lets start the Interview:
Top MLM Income Earners
1. Hello Ashwin, please tell our readers about yourself?
Hello everyone, I’m a computer graduate, a Sindhi from Chennai – India. Been in Dubai from the past 13 years in different fields. In my last job I was a business development Manager for a manufacturing company handling 4 countries in the Gulf.
Became part of Network Marketing and Team Effort International /My Video Talk in MAY 2009, started of part time! From the past 3 years a Full Timer with TEI/MVT/TEN, a 5 Star Blue Diamond and an Executive Director, Excellence Awardee and Consistency Awardee with Team Eagles Global!
2. In your words what is Network Marketing & How you come into Network Marketing?
Network Marketing is the future and business of the 21st century. If people understood the power of Passive Income and Residual Income, they would break a Wall to get through to do it! In simple words, I would rather prefer 1% of hard work from 1000 people, than 100% hard work from 100 people!
I became a part of Network Marketing by chance, was referred to My Video Talk by a new friend in 2009, Phalghun & Aarti, I happened to meet them by chance just a month before they introduced me to it.
3. What is YOUR REASON to do Network Marketing business?
Started it part time for some extra income and keep myself busy, but a career! Main reason – Freedom of Time and Money! Also get to meet people in different parts of the World and most important the learnings it has given me.
Interesting Read: Do You have Burning Desire to Succeed?
4. What you will suggest to people who have just started with Network Marketing?
Congratulations, just keep running, jogging, walking or crawling! But never give up!
5. Many people face difficulties in Lead Generation in Network Marketing. How do you generate leads?
Work on your teams HOT Prospects and duplication. In tandem invite your contacts you have known in your life span without assuming who will join or not!
6. How do you manage to keep yourself & your Team Motivated?
Help my Team make dollars/money, I make it then automatically. Keeps all of us motivated! 🙂
7. How People react when they know you are into Network Marketing?
First they laughed, ridiculed and never believed this would work, and then there was me proving them Wrong! Thanks to Almighty, and the wonderful support of my Parents and Chugh Family from Day 1.
Must Read: Is Network Marketing business model the best?
8. Can Network Marketing really change someone`s life?
Of course it’s all about changing people’s lives and it’s proven worldwide statistically that the only Industry which generates Maximum Millionaires around the World is The Direct Selling or Network Marketing industry.
9. What do you do when you aren’t doing business?
I love watching Movies and WWE! Also listen to music and read books!
10. Ashwin, Any Secret Tip or Message you like to share with our readers?
This business is not Rocket Science, it’s an industry for ordinary people with extra ordinary dreams!
What has kept me successful is the teachings and love of my Mentor/ President and Vice President/ First Lady, the Maxout couple of Eagles Global Girish Nair and Sheetal Nair! And most important my wonderful Eagles team mates/ downlines Worldwide! Stick to Basics and you will get there!
WOOW! That’s awesome 😀 Thanks you so much Dear Ashwin for the wonderful Interview. It was pleasure featuring you here. Wish you & your team loads of success. God Bless 🙂
Connect with the Rock$tar Ashwin Chugh on Facebook
To Conclude
If you wish to reach to the top mlm income earners list make sure you FOLLOW what you learnt above. The problem is most of the people take the advise, take Network Marketing Trainings, but then never take the pain to implement it.
Remember: No Pain, No Gain! Either take the Pain today or bear the Pain for rest of your life, Choice is YOURS!
Don’t forget to Share this Mind Boggling Interview of Mr. Ashwin Chugh with your Teams & Prospects. Help them learn about top mlm income earners.
PS: Check out Network Marketing Interview of another Dynamic Female MLM Leader from same company Ashwin Chugh represents.
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