It was few years back I connected with Anita Poole on Facebook as we shared common interest. We didn’t interacted much, may be once or twice. Probably Anita didn’t remember as well 😉 Still it was always an inspiration seeing her updates on facebook.
Today I feel really good to have her on my blog for network marketing interview. Lets start the interview & I am sure you will love what you will read. And there will be great value going through the whole interview.
Network Marketing Interview
1. Tell us about yourself?
I am Anita Poole, personal Image Consultant & Network Marketer of great, unique products, that have good demand, high-quality, helping people to communicate locally, nationally & globally by online video and our new, very exciting, health & well-being division, with cutting edge, natural, nutritional supplements, that have a more convenient, better absorption rate and of course outstanding compensation plan!
I am a qualified Doctor (decades ago), have a Postgraduate Teaching degree, Diploma in Business, Certificates in Image Consultancy & member of the Federation of Image Professionals. Previously I have worked in medicine, teaching, venture capital, holiday cottages, textiles & fashion.
Having both an Eastern & Western background. I loved travelling round the world for 18 months, seeing much of America, Canada, Peru, Brazil, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and China. Having lived in the UK and Africa, I’ve also seen a lot of Europe.
2. In your words what is Network Marketing & How you come into Network Marketing?
I was fortunate to discover network marketing & wonderful, personally branded, online video tools, through a friend of mine, at a dinner party. I was interested to use video in my image consultancy, to decrease travelling & increase personal effectiveness, by enabling people to see me and interact.
Personal branding is very important in image consultancy. It’s what makes you stand out from the crowd. So if people can see and hear you easily online, then it’s more engaging than simply reading text and speaking to people on the telephone.
When I heard there was an opportunity to earn income by simply sharing my good fortune with others it was a done deal and I joined straight away!
3. What is YOUR REASON to do Network Marketing business?
I like the idea of using products that have the opportunity to also earn extra income. It just makes sense! If you see a good movie, visit a great restaurant, buy most things for your business, family, or personal you don’t get income for spreading good words about those products and introducing people to that company.
In essence you’re recommending other products & services for free and helping other companies marketing and make their money! However, by using good network marketing products, from a reputable company, you have the opportunity to get paid for word-of-mouth recommendations, when other people join that company as distributors, or purchase those products.
It’s a great way of getting a return on money you spend on products you need, or want to recommend to others.
4. What you will suggest to people who have just started with Network Marketing?
Keep in touch with your introducer / sponsor / events & company communications. Identify good, hard-working, ethical leaders & work closely with them. Follow others who are loyal to the company and getting good results. Learn from what they are doing that’s successful. Don’t try to reinvent the whole system.
Be flexible and coachable. Learn from leaders who are setting a great example. Remember network marketing income can be exponential, according to the efforts you put in and how you work with your team. Set your goals and plan how you are going to achieve them, breaking them down into yearly, quarterly, monthly & weekly activities required.
Use your good leaders to mentor you & monitor what you’re doing, against results that you get. Then you can decide on a monthly basis, what’s working for you and what you need to change or adapt. Learn while you gain experience. So the most important thing is get started and develop as you go along.
That’s what’s so wonderful about network marketing. It’s open to everyone, no matter what their previous experience and background.
5. Many people face difficulties in Lead Generation in Network Marketing. How do you generate leads?
There are many different ways that work differently for different people. Plug into your sponsor, trainings and team leaders to discuss a plan of action that’s right for you. Pick a few methods of marketing that you feel comfortable with and most importantly, do them daily and weekly.
For example, I use social media marketing, websites, blogs, local networking and business events, cold calling and personal contacts. There are many other methods. You can’t do everything.
So pick a few methods, that’s right for you – Do them consistently and keep learning as you go along. Fortune in anything favours those who persist, are focused and determined.
6. How do you manage to keep yourself & your Team Motivated?
We keep in mind our goals and dreams. We identify what we want to achieve and why. It’s peoples “why” (reason) that keeps them motivated. It’s also about being positive, having a great attitude and setting a good example.
So hang around positive, like-minded people, switch off anything negative and constantly use personal development training. That does not have to be expensive.
It can be reading daily tips & books / listening to audio, plugging into motivating, inspiring conference calls, webinars or meetings. Ultimately it’s about taking responsibility for one’s self and one’s own attitude.
Watch: MLM Motivation Videos
7. How People react when they know you are into Network Marketing?
It depends on who I’m talking to and there previous experience of network marketing & understanding of the industry. Some like the idea, will need to know more. Many people don’t really understand that the concept of network marketing is basically referral marketing.
It’s actually a great concept. Companies take their products to market without huge advertising and marketing costs. Instead, teams of distributors share the products and income opportunity with their warm and cold market contacts. It’s a far more personal marketing method.
Unfortunately, some people have a negative mindset about network marketing, because they have either been blasted by impersonal Internet Marketers e-mails, or they joined a network marketing company, but didn’t put in sufficient personal effort or plug into the team and system that works.
Others chop and change from company to company, never really understanding loyalty, their products, payplan and distribution marketing, then blame someone else, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. Others have been burnt by struggling or disreputable companies, which close or fail, because they chose the wrong company, or didn’t do their research properly.
So choosing the right network marketing company, owners, products, payplan, sponsor and team is very important. That’s why I love Team Effort International it’s got the whole formula for success and proven track record!
8. Can Network Marketing really change someone`s life?
Undoubtedly, yes it can. Our company has already made over 20 millionaires in various countries. And the superior opportunity & products have already helped hordes of people around the world, be able to pay their bills, buy cars, homes, holidays, trips, luxuries, support and educate their kids, families, friends & community, raise money, help charities, feel & communicate better through our health supplements & video tools.
9. What do you do when you aren’t doing business?
I’ve now brought up and educated my children to be great, solid, independent young people. I love socialising, inspiring movies, good documentaries, nature, cultures, reading, music, walking and swimming for example.
10. Any Secret Tip or Message you like to share to help fellow Network Marketers?
Believe in yourself – Don’t let anyone or anything distract you – Set your goals – Make a plan – Take action! – And follow the tips above and on Vineet’s great blog posts!
Networking Marketing can be great opportunity to have the lifestyle you want, travel, learn, develop and make friends outside your own circle! You and Network Marketing have huge potential, it’s about turning potential into reality by making good choices, plans & actions!
You can connect with Anita Poole on Facebook and Twitter
Thank you Anita for your time & it was really nice communicating with you 🙂
Important Read: 3 Step Formula to get Success in Network Marketing
If you this network marketing interview & feel your team can also get motivated reading this, then don’t forget to share this with them! Work Hard, Give your best, Reach at the Top & help others Succeed! Cheers 😀
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