When you interact with people for network marketing business, the way you interact with them defines your mindset & posture. Network marketing posture means either you are in a “giving state of mind” or “taking state of mind” while interacting with the prospects & your team.
Network Marketing Posture: Giving State of Mind (You are a Giver)
This is the right frame of mind while interacting with your prospects or even team. You are always a giver in network marketing business. Whenever you indulge in the business activity always talk with pride.
You are not asking for money for yourself from the prospect. He will not pay it to your pocket. Don’t feel ashamed or don’t let the feeling of begging come in. You are going to contribute something to his life & will help the prospect in changing his life for better through network marketing business.
Network Marketing Posture: Taking State of Mind (You are a Taker)
This is one of the biggest mistake many people do while doing the network marketing business, while talking with their prospects people lose their Posture. They go in somewhat begging mode, while asking people to join.
Once the prospect feels “you need him more” than “he needs you”, you lose posture & in such situation the prospect will not join with you.
How to Maintain Posture in Network Marketing Business
- Don’t worry too much about prospects comfort-ability.
- Never do network marketing business presentation at prospects home/office.
- Always talk with Confidence & Pride.
- Increase your faith in network marketing industry.
- Don’t try to Convince they prospect, just Share the required information.
- Don’t over sell.
Importance of Right Network Marketing Posture
Having a “state of mind of a giver” is the right mindset & right network marketing posture. It will help you to build the business much easily. Because it’s a human psychology when the prospect feels that what you are talking is for your own benefit, he will not accept your point. Even if it’s for prospects benefit.
Right network marketing posture will present you as a Leader, not only in the eyes of the prospects but even your team. If you are the one who SHOWS desperation or go in begging mode with the prospect to sign up, people might not like to follow you.
By maintaining right network marketing posture you will create good Value for yourself. Whatever you will say or share with people will be taken as a Valuable opinion.
MUST READ: If you are Maintaining the Network Marketing Posture, Follow these stunning tricks to close any sale!
To Conclude
Simply meet with people with attitude of a giver & your prospect should never feel that you are desperate to sign up him or you need him. That’s the right network marketing posture & it always helps you doing the network marketing business in the right way.
The network marketing posture is very important when we are in a business, these are great ideas. Thank you.
I am glab you like it Rahul 🙂
Great blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
I’m hoping to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything.
Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused ..
Any tips? Appreciate it!
Hi Alfonzo,
Thanks for the appreciation 🙂
If would recommend starting with WordPress blog on hosting like Hostgator.
Start writing from your heart, whatever you know about the Niche you wish to write about. Gradually you will improve for sure.
Let me know if you need any help.
Sir I want to know when we are inviting through online like quicker.how should I invite.
What should be a good title and description. Thank you for your great ideas.
They realize that they must ONLY spend their time with QUALIFIED prospects who are currently searching
and looking for what they have to offer, plus they must learn some cutting-edge
marketing strategies in order to position themselves in front of those people.
These can be the kind of challenges that make you
miserable or these can be the kind of challenges that bring you what you have always wanted.
Yeah! I believe its important to do prospecting. Learn here how you can prospect – https://www.vineetgupta.net/prospect-generate-leads-network-marketing-business/
Once the prospect is qualified to see the plan, then show the opportunity.
Or else if you feel you have the skills to help the prospect understand why the business is important for him / her, then you can surely sign up un-qualified (prospects who are not actively looking for an opportunity) prospects as well.
how to invite students?
how to invite students? they need good carreir..