Many people have asked me this question over & time again. Even I get this question in my mind & the questions pops up again whenever someone tries to prove their point & convince me that Network Marketing is a sales business. It’s a debatable questions, that is network marketing sales business or not.
Is Network Marketing Sales Business
If we see, we can say – Yes, Network Marketing is sales business. A distributor sell the products or services offered by the company. The moment of the product or service offered by the company is happening because of it’s distributors therefore, you are generating the revenue for the company.
On the other hand, we can also say – No, Network Marketing is not a sales business. You don’t directly sell the product or service of the company you are with. Most of the time your intent is to share the opportunity with the prospect.
You give the information about the Company, Products or Services company offers & the Business Plan. In most cases the intention is not to sell the product, rather it is to help the other person show the path of Entrepreneurship & Financial Freedom.
By the way everyone is into sales if we see it in a way:
- When we go for an interview we try to sell our knowledge, experience & skills to get the job.
- Employee sells his work & tries to convince his manager how religiously he has finished hi work.
- When a baby cries he is convincing her mother to give her milk.
- A lover convince his/her partner how much he/she loves the partner.
And there are many such other examples & instances.
Must Read: Killer MLM Objection Handling and Follow Up Techniques to convert any prospect!
You also need to take care that most of the questions asked by the prospect are out of curiosity & lack of knowledge. You need not to get mad on any of his question. Smile & answer the query, you have to help you prospect in understanding the What is MLM?
To Conclude
Don’t mess with whether Is Network Marketing Sales business or not? As said before you have to focus on teaching you prospect the right things. Else you may end up getting in verbal heated discussions, you may even impose your point of view on them, but for sure you will lose you prospect. Because once the ego of the prospect is hurt, it’s unlike that he will join you.
I have listed some of my Secret techniques I use to close the sales on will. Learn How to Increase Sales.
Let me know you thoughts on it. What you think Is Network Marketing Sales Business or Not?
One of the best blog I ever came across! Great help. Thanks Vineet
I am glad that you like it Devashish 🙂